продавец: Azpolimer LLC
Азербайджан, Баку, пр. Москов, 69A


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1 170,00 USD
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минимум: 21
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We offer LDPE polyethylene grade 15803-020, for the manufacture of toys, films and film products, HDPE HM0359 PE100 - for the production of water and gas transportation and also HL1050BF - for the production of thin films, and polypropylene grade HB3500GP - for the production of furniture, household items. HB2552FC - for thin staple fibers produced by SOCAR polimer. Delivery by truck from the warehouse of the Sumgayit plant.
We offer LDPE polyethylene grade 15803-020, for the manufacture of toys, films and film products, HDPE HM0359 PE100 - for the production of water and gas transportation and also HL1050BF - for the production of thin films, and polypropylene grade HB3500GP - for the production of furniture, household items. HB2552FC - for thin staple fibers produced by SOCAR polimer. Delivery by truck from the warehouse of the Sumgayit plant.
We offer LDPE polyethylene grade 15803-020, for the manufacture of toys, films and film products, HDPE HM0359 PE100 - for the production of water and gas transportation and also HL1050BF - for the production of thin films, and polypropylene grade HB3500GP - for the production of furniture, household items. HB2552FC - for thin staple fibers produced by SOCAR polimer. Delivery by truck from the warehouse of the Sumgayit plant.

Артикул: 3901109000

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