продавец: Azpolimer LLC
Азербайджан, Баку, пр. Москов, 69A


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Transformer oils

Transformer oils

Transformer oils
1 070,00 USD
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минимум: 22
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Transformer oil is used for filling transformers, oil switches and other high-voltage equipment as the main electrical insulating material. T-1500 oil combines high insulating properties with the properties of an active cooling medium and coolant. In oil circuit breakers it acts as an arc extinguishing medium. Delivered to the FCA plant, Baku.

Transformer oil is used for filling transformers, oil switches and other high-voltage equipment as the main electrical insulating material.

T-1500 oil combines high insulating properties with the properties of an active cooling medium and coolant. In oil circuit breakers it acts as an arc extinguishing medium. Delivered to the FCA plant, Baku.

Transformer oil is used for filling transformers, oil switches and other high-voltage equipment as the main electrical insulating material.

T-1500 oil combines high insulating properties with the properties of an active cooling medium and coolant. In oil circuit breakers it acts as an arc extinguishing medium. Delivered to the FCA plant, Baku.

Артикул: 3304990000

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