продавець: Azpolimer LLC
Азербайджан, Баку, пр. Москов, 69A


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Turbine oils

Turbine oils

Turbine oils
910,00 USD
за тонну
мінімум: 22
роздріб та опт
в наявності
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Додати у кошик
Передзвоніть мені
Turbine oils are intended for lubrication and cooling of bearings of various turbine units: steam and gas turbines, hydraulic turbines, turbocompressor machines. These same oils are used as working fluids in control systems of turbine units, as well as in circulation and hydraulic systems of various industrial mechanisms.
Turbine oils are intended for lubrication and cooling of bearings of various turbine units: steam and gas turbines, hydraulic turbines, turbocompressor machines. These same oils are used as working fluids in control systems of turbine units, as well as in circulation and hydraulic systems of various industrial mechanisms.
Turbine oils are intended for lubrication and cooling of bearings of various turbine units: steam and gas turbines, hydraulic turbines, turbocompressor machines. These same oils are used as working fluids in control systems of turbine units, as well as in circulation and hydraulic systems of various industrial mechanisms.
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