продавець: Azpolimer LLC
Азербайджан, Баку, пр. Москов, 69A


показати телефон
Petroleum Coke (нефтяной кокс)

Petroleum Coke (нефтяной кокс)

Petroleum Coke (нефтяной кокс)
210,00 USD
за тонну
мінімум: 5000
роздріб та опт
в наявності
☎ показати телефон
Додати у кошик
Передзвоніть мені
Coke serves as a reducing agent (anode mass) in the smelting of aluminum from aluminum ores (bauxite).It is also used as a raw material for the manufacture of electrodes used in steel-smelting furnaces and in the production of grinding materials in the manufacture of conductors, refractories, etc.
Coke serves as a reducing agent (anode mass) in the smelting of aluminum from aluminum ores (bauxite).It is also used as a raw material for the manufacture of electrodes used in steel-smelting furnaces and in the production of grinding materials in the manufacture of conductors, refractories, etc.
Coke serves as a reducing agent (anode mass) in the smelting of aluminum from aluminum ores (bauxite).It is also used as a raw material for the manufacture of electrodes used in steel-smelting furnaces and in the production of grinding materials in the manufacture of conductors, refractories, etc.
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