продавець: Azpolimer LLC
Азербайджан, Баку, пр. Москов, 69A


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Karbamid UREA 46

Karbamid UREA 46

Karbamid UREA 46
415,00 USD
за тонну
мінімум: 1500
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Передзвоніть мені
SOCAR urea (Urea Grade B) Carbamide (46.4% nitrogen) - used in industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, in particular: in agriculture as a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. Carbamide (urea) is the most universally concentrated among nitrogen fertilizers that do not oxidize the soil. It is used on all types of soils as the main fertilizer before planting and for top dressing of agricultural crops. Benefits of using urea (urea): Universal fertilizer suitable for all types of plants. Carbamide is widely used to activate growth, obtain abundant yields, and maintain plants in a presentable state. The productivity of agricultural crops is increasing and the quality of products is improving. Carbamide (urea) is used not only as a top dressing, but also as a pesticide. Specifications: Appearance - white granules without any visible impurities Mass fraction of nitrogen in transfer on dry matter, % not less than – 46.4 Mass fraction of biuret, % not more than -1.2 Hygroscopicity - 0.1 Mass fraction of water, % no more - 0.4 Granules in size from 1 mm to 4 mm,% - 95 Granules in size from 2 mm to 4 mm,% - 80 Looseness, % - 100 Guaranteed shelf life - 6 months from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of carbamide with the requirements of the standard, subject to the rules of transportation and storage.

SOCAR urea (Urea Grade B)

Carbamide (46.4% nitrogen) - used in industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, in particular: in agriculture as a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer.
Carbamide (urea) is the most universally concentrated among nitrogen fertilizers that do not oxidize the soil. It is used on all types of soils as the main fertilizer before planting and for top dressing of agricultural crops.

Benefits of using urea (urea):

Universal fertilizer suitable for all types of plants.
Carbamide is widely used to activate growth, obtain abundant yields, and maintain plants in a presentable state.
The productivity of agricultural crops is increasing and the quality of products is improving.
Carbamide (urea) is used not only as a top dressing, but also as a pesticide.
Appearance - white granules without any visible impurities
Mass fraction of nitrogen in transfer on dry matter, % not less than – 46.4
Mass fraction of biuret, % not more than -1.2
Hygroscopicity - 0.1
Mass fraction of water, % no more - 0.4
Granules in size from 1 mm to 4 mm,% - 95
Granules in size from 2 mm to 4 mm,% - 80
Looseness, % - 100
Guaranteed shelf life - 6 months from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of carbamide with the requirements of the standard, subject to the rules of transportation and storage.

SOCAR urea (Urea Grade B)

Carbamide (46.4% nitrogen) - used in industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, in particular: in agriculture as a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer.
Carbamide (urea) is the most universally concentrated among nitrogen fertilizers that do not oxidize the soil. It is used on all types of soils as the main fertilizer before planting and for top dressing of agricultural crops.

Benefits of using urea (urea):

Universal fertilizer suitable for all types of plants.
Carbamide is widely used to activate growth, obtain abundant yields, and maintain plants in a presentable state.
The productivity of agricultural crops is increasing and the quality of products is improving.
Carbamide (urea) is used not only as a top dressing, but also as a pesticide.
Appearance - white granules without any visible impurities
Mass fraction of nitrogen in transfer on dry matter, % not less than – 46.4
Mass fraction of biuret, % not more than -1.2
Hygroscopicity - 0.1
Mass fraction of water, % no more - 0.4
Granules in size from 1 mm to 4 mm,% - 95
Granules in size from 2 mm to 4 mm,% - 80
Looseness, % - 100
Guaranteed shelf life - 6 months from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of carbamide with the requirements of the standard, subject to the rules of transportation and storage.
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